About Teacher Education

IN THE CONTEXT of rapid socio – economic development , the present education system is not adequate for meet the growing demands of the diversity economy . It is therefore felt that there is much need for growing children to have better systematic education by proper trained teachers . Thus , the teachers training should not be seen merely in terms of creating positive attitude towards work and general increase in the skill base , among the students , but also as a strategy for giving a full package of competence , required for getting wages and self employment to meet the manpower needs of various sectors .


The PTT , NPTT method of teaching aims are the complete development of the child , ultimately preparinghim / her for life’s various experiences . Children pass through sensitive period of development early in life . Doctors described the child mind between the time of birth and six year of age as the ‘ absorbent mind ” . It is during this stage that a child has a tremendcus ability to learn and assimilate from the world around him , without conscious efforts . During this time , children are particularly receptive to certain external stimuli the PTT , NPTT teachers recognizes and take advantage of these highly perceptive stages though the introduction of materials and activities which are specially designed to stimulate the intellect . Encouraged to focus attention on one particular quality , the child works at him / her own optimum level in an environment where beauty and orderliness are emphasized an appreciated . A spontaneous love of ‘ work ‘ is revealed as the child is given the freedom ( writhing soundaries ) to make him / her own choices

International Accreditation Organization

HOUSTON , U.S.A To assure students , public and other stakeholders that our establishment delivers quality education and skill , institutions needs to get accredited . IAO's accreditation is a recognized as a symbol of quality and being associated with IAO , the education provider enjoys numerous benefits such as : INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATION : IAO's accreditation is international in nature , with means that our educational establishment will be recognized and accepted on an international scale . Additionally , It will also enrich our profile on a regional level , resulting in increased students recruitments .

Stepping Stone Golden Student


The quality management system is in compliance with ISO 9001 : 2015 scope of certification includes design , development and conduct of job oriented and self employment PTT & NPTT courses .

S.S.A.T.E strive for excellence by adopting latest technology for constant improvement in products and service through quality management system , to keep pace with the time.

S.S.A.T.E is affiliated to MAHARISHI DAYANAND EARLY TEACHERS TRAINING & EDUCATION , New Delhi in turn MilETTE is registered with govt .
of N.C.T New Delhi under Rego . Na 3-63615 Certification of R STEPPING STONE GROUP OF JEG ISO 9001 :

Stepping Stone Group Of Institutions